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This entry was published on 2024-01-05
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Publication of list of places for registration
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 4
§ 4-119. Publication of list of places for registration. 1. The board
or body authorized to designate places for registration in any city,
other than the city of New York, shall publish on each day of
registration a list of the places for registration designated within
such city in two newspapers published in such city. The lists shall
refer to the election districts by their numbers and wards or assembly
districts. Such lists shall identify those polling places which do not
provide access to handicapped voters. The board of elections of the city
of New York shall publish in at least two newspapers in such city, a
notice, at least one-half page in size, in English and such other
languages as such board deems appropriate which shall set forth the
dates and hours of registration and the phone number to call for
information about location of polling places, their accessibility to the
handicapped, applications for early mail and absentee ballots and any
other subjects which such board deems appropriate. So far as is
consistent with the provisions of this section, one of such newspapers
in each such city or, in each county of the city of New York, shall
represent each of the major political parties and shall have a large
circulation affording wide publicity. If the newspaper is an evening
newspaper the notice shall be published on the last day, other than a
Sunday, prior to any such day of registration.

2. The board or body authorized to designate places for registration
in any town may publish within one week next preceding the first day of
registration in a newspaper or newspapers designated by such board or
body, a list of places of registration within such town, a statement of
the days and hours of registration and a brief description of the
boundaries of each election district in the town. Such lists shall
identify those polling places which do not provide access to handicapped
voters. The amount to be paid for any of such publications shall be at
the rate prescribed by section seventy-a of the public officers law. In
no publication, however, shall any type smaller than agate be used. The
amount to be paid for all such publications shall be a town charge.