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This entry was published on 2023-01-06
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Failure to receive exemplar signature not to prevent registration
§ 5-902. Failure to receive exemplar signature not to prevent
registration. If a voter registration exemplar signature is not received
from an applicant who submits a voter registration or pre-registration
application pursuant to this title and such signature exemplar is not
otherwise available from the statewide voter registration database or a
state or local agency, the local board of elections shall, absent
another reason to reject the application, proceed to register or
pre-register and, as applicable, enroll the applicant. Within ten days
of such action, the board of elections shall send a standard form
promulgated by the state board of elections to the voter whose record
lacks an exemplar signature, requiring such voter to submit a signature
for identification purposes. The voter shall submit to the board of
elections a voter registration exemplar signature by any one of the
following methods: in person, by mail with return postage paid provided
by the board of elections, by electronic mail, or by electronic upload
to the board of elections through the electronic voter registration
transmittal system. If such voter does not provide the required exemplar
signature, when the voter appears to vote the voter shall be entitled to
vote by affidavit ballot.