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This entry was published on 2020-07-03
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Ballots; form for ballot proposals; additional requirements
§ 7-110. Ballots; form for ballot proposals; additional requirements.
Ballot proposals shall appear on the ballot in a separate section or on
a separate sheet or card. At the left of, or below or above, each
proposal shall appear two voting positions. Next to the first voting
position shall be printed the word "Yes," and next to the second voting
position shall be printed the word "No." The proposals shall be numbered
consecutively on the ballot. The number of each proposal shall appear in
front of its designation as an amendment, proposition or question in the
following form: "Proposal one, an amendment; proposal two, a
proposition; proposal three, a question". If the ballot proposal section
appears on the ballot face opposite the candidates, a ballot instruction
in a format provided by the state board of elections, which may include
a graphic arrow, shall indicate the ballot is two-sided.