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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Voting and ballot counting machines; preparation of, party representatives
§ 7-207. Voting and ballot counting machines; preparation of, party
representatives. 1. It shall be the duty of the board of elections to
cause the proper ballot labels to be prepared and placed on those voting
machines which require ballot labels, to cause the machines and any
removable electronic or computerized devices which operate such machines
or record the vote thereon to be placed in proper order for voting, to
examine all voting machines and all such electronic or computerized
devices before they are sent out to the different polling places, to see
that all the registering counters are set at zero, to cause a printed
record of all the ballot label programming data, for each election,
which is entered into each voting machine of a type approved after
September first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, or which is entered into
any removable electronic or computerized device which operates such
machine or records the vote thereon, to be produced directly from the
device on which such ballot label programming data was entered and to
lock all voting machines so that the counting machinery can not be
operated and to seal each one with a numbered seal.

2. (a) Before preparing or programming the voting and ballot counting
machines and any removable electronic or computerized devices which
operate such machines or record the vote thereon for any election,
written notices shall be mailed to the chairman of the county committees
of the major political parties, stating the times when and place or
places where the machines and devices will be prepared or programmed; at
which times and place or places, one representative of each of such
political parties, certified by the respective chairmen of the county
committees of such parties, shall be entitled to be present and see that
the machines and devices are properly prepared and placed in proper
condition and order for use at the election. The party representatives
shall take the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed in
the office of the board of elections.

(b) It shall be the duty of such party representatives to be present
at the preparation of the voting machines for election and see that the
machines are properly prepared and that all registering counters are set
at zero by examining such counters or by examining the printed or
photographic record produced by such voting machine or by examining the
printed record of the ballot label programming data on such machine.
When the machines have been prepared for election, it shall be the duty
of the custodian or custodians of voting machines and party
representatives, to make a certificate in writing which shall be filed
in the office of the board of elections, stating the number of machines,
whether or not all the machines are set at zero, the number registered
on the protective counter, and the number on the seal with which the
machine is sealed.

3. No custodian or other employee of the board of elections shall in
any way prevent free access to and examination of all voting machines
that are to be used at the election, by the duly appointed party
representatives. The board of elections and its employees shall afford
the party representatives every facility for the examination of all
voting machines and devices and the registering counters, the printed or
photographic record of the counters or the printed record of the ballot
label programming data on such machines, if any, the protective counters
and the public counters of each and every voting machine. All such
printed or photographic records shall be public records at the offices
of the boards of elections.

4. It shall be the duty of the board of elections to cause such voting
machine or machines, prepared as provided pursuant to this section to be
delivered at each of the respective polling places in which they are to
be used, at least one hour before the time set for the opening of the
polls. After the machine has been delivered, it shall be set up in the
proper manner for use at the election, and it shall be the duty of the
local authorities to provide ample protection against tampering with the

5. The party representatives shall be paid for their services an
amount that shall be fixed by the board of elections, such amount shall,
however, be approved by the governing body of the municipality wherein
said machines are used and paid by such municipality.