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This entry was published on 2024-11-29
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Absentee ballot drop boxes
§ 8-416. Absentee ballot drop boxes. 1. For the purposes of this
title, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) "absentee ballot drop box" shall mean a secure receptacle
established by a board of elections whereby an absentee ballot marked by
a voter pursuant to section 8-410 of this title may be returned to the
board of elections of the county or city of the voter's residence; and

(b) "absentee ballot drop-off location" shall mean a location
consisting of a secured absentee ballot drop box at which an absentee
ballot marked by a voter pursuant to section 8-410 of this title may be
returned to the board of elections of the county or city of the voter's

2. Each board of elections is hereby authorized to establish one or
more absentee ballot drop-off locations as an additional means for the
delivery of absentee ballots marked by a voter to the board of elections
of the county or city of the voter's residence. Each such board of
elections shall provide notice of the location of every such absentee
ballot drop-off location by posting such information on its website no
later than the day the absentee ballot drop-off location is established.

3. The state board of elections is hereby authorized and directed to
promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of the
provisions of this section, including, but not limited to the location,
chain of custody, pick-up times, proper labeling, and security of
absentee ballot drop boxes established by boards of elections pursuant
to this section.