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This entry was published on 2023-09-22
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Registration during early voting
§ 8-604. Registration during early voting. 1. In addition to other
methods of voter registration provided under this chapter, a person who
is not registered to vote in the state but is otherwise qualified to
register to vote and to cast a ballot may register to vote and enroll in
a political party at an early voting polling location, provided such
registration is in accordance with the voter registration deadline set
forth in subdivision three of section 5-210 of this chapter.

2. A qualified person who is not registered to vote in the state who
appears at an early voting polling place shall be offered the
opportunity to register to vote and enroll in a political party and
shall be given an affidavit ballot, provided such registration is in
accordance with the voter registration deadline set forth in subdivision
three of section 5-210 of this chapter.

3. If such registration is deemed effective, the board of elections
shall add the person's voter registration information to the statewide
electronic voter file and include the corresponding affidavit ballot in
the official canvass, if otherwise valid.

4. The board of elections shall conduct the receipt and handling of
each voter registration and corresponding ballot in a manner that
protects the secrecy of the ballot and allows the elections official to
process the registration and include the corresponding ballot in the
official canvass, if otherwise valid.

5. The board of elections shall advise a person completing such voter
registration of the procedures for determining the validity of such
voter registration.

6. The state board of elections shall promulgate rules and regulations
to implement this section.