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This entry was published on 2024-01-05
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Early mail ballots; delivery of
§ 8-704. Early mail ballots; delivery of. 1. If the board finds that
the applicant is a registered voter of the county or city at the address
listed in the application, the applicant is eligible to vote in the
election at issue, and the application is otherwise sufficient, it
shall, as soon as practicable, mail to the applicant at an address
designated by them, or deliver to them, or to any person designated for
such purpose in writing by them, at the office of the board, an early
mail ballot or set of ballots and an envelope therefor. If the ballot or
ballots are to be sent outside of the United States to a country other
than Canada or Mexico, such ballot or ballots shall be sent by air mail.

2. When mailing an early mail ballot to a voter the board of elections
shall provide a domestic postage paid return envelope. When providing an
early mail ballot to a voter in-person, the board of elections shall
offer the voter a domestic postage paid return envelope and provide one
if requested.