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This entry was published on 2024-01-05
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Online early mail ballot tracking system
§ 8-712. Online early mail ballot tracking system. 1. The state board
of elections shall establish and maintain an electronic early mail
ballot tracking system. In accordance with technical specifications
provided by the state board of elections, each local board of elections
shall maintain an early mail ballot tracking system integrated with the
state board's system, and which may be integrated with the United States
postal service tracking system, to allow a voter who has submitted an
application for an early mail ballot to track the status of an early
mail ballot application and an early mail ballot on the state board or
local board website.

2. Such website shall not require users to create an account but shall
require verification that the user is accessing their own record through
the inclusion of data identifying the voter and the board of elections
at which the voter is registered, and any other information required by
the state board of elections.

3. The ballot tracking system shall indicate to the voter if the

(a) received such voter's application for an early mail ballot;

(b) approved or rejected such application and, if rejected, an
indication of the reason for such rejection;

(c) mailed or delivered an early mail ballot to such voter, the date
of such mailing or delivery, and the expected date of receipt;

(d) received the ballot back as undeliverable;

(e) received such voter's completed early mail ballot;

(f) determined the ballot envelope was subject to a cure; and

(g) counted or rejected such voter's completed early mail ballot and,
if rejected, a brief statement of the reason for rejection.

4. The electronic early mail ballot tracking system shall be combined
on a single website with the electronic absentee ballot tracking system
created pursuant to section 8-414 of this article.