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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Annual Political Calendar
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17

Section 13-104. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.

13-106. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.

13-108. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.

13-110. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.

13-112. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.

13-114. Special provisions as to the time for holding a

primary election in the city of New York in the year

nineteen hundred eighty-one.