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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 11-0704
Transfer of a lifetime license
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 7
§ 11-0704. Transfer of a lifetime license.

A lifetime license, as provided in section 11-0702 of this title, is
not transferable to any person unless:

1. the person to whom such license and permit was issued dies within
one year of the issuance date of such license and permit; and

2. the person to whom such license and permit is to be transferred is
a legal resident of this state pursuant to this title; and

3. the person to whom such license and permit is to be transferred
would otherwise be eligible to purchase such license and permit; and

4. the person to whom such license is to be transferred is related to
the person to whom such license was issued by the first degree of
consanguinity, or legal marriage to such person, or is the adopted child
or step child or step sibling of such person; and

5. designation is made by the personal representative of the
decedent's estate; and

6. The application for transfer is made within three years of the
issuance of the license; and

7. the person to whom such license and permit is transferred pays the
fee as set forth in section 11-0702 of this title; and

8. such license and permit has not been previously transferred.

Provided, however, that subdivisions one, six and seven of this
section shall not apply when the person to whom such license was issued
was a member of the armed forces of the United States or a member of the
national guard or other reserve component of the armed forces of the
United States who died in combat zone or combat zone of operations or
while deployed for active military duty, other than training, on or
after the eleventh day of September, two thousand one.