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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 15-0301
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 15, TITLE 3
§ 15-0301. Investigations.

1. The department may, of its own motion, make or cause to be made
such surveys and investigations as it may deem advisable and necessary
for the discharge of its duties under this article.

2. The department, upon its own motion, or upon a petition presented
to it by a person or public corporation pursuant to provisions of this
article, may in its discretion, extend the scope of such proceeding to
any improvements or developments of natural resources which may be done
under any provisions of this article, and if any part of the procedure
governing the matters concerning which the petition is presented cannot
be made applicable in all respects to the subject matter of the
proceedings as thus extended, then the procedure peculiar to such
additional matter as provided for in this article may be adopted to the
extent necessary.

3. The department shall make or cause to be made continuing
investigations of the water resources of the state so as to accumulate
comprehensive data as a basis of providing for their proper
conservation, development, regulation and use.

4. The department shall conduct systematic gauging of rainfall and
stream flow throughout the state when moneys shall have been
appropriated therefor.