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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 15-0516
Inspection report of dam safety
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 15, TITLE 5
§ 15-0516. Inspection report of dam safety.

1. Within thirty days of the creation by the department of any
inspection report of any intermediate or high hazard dam, the department
shall provide, to the chief executive officer of a municipality in which
the dam is located, a copy of such report. Such report shall also be
furnished to the chief executive officer of any other municipality in
the county where the dam is located, or any county adjoining such county
upon written request of the chief executive officer of such

2. For the purposes of this section, the term "chief executive
officer" shall mean:

(a) for the purposes of a village or city, the mayor of such village
or city;

(b) for the purposes of a town, the supervisor of such town;

(c) for the purposes of a county, the chairperson of the county
legislature or board of supervisors, or, if there be one, the county