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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1507
Filing fees to accompany plans
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 15
§ 17-1507. Filing fees to accompany plans.

1. At the time of submitting a plan for approval as required by this
title, a filing fee computed at the rate of one dollar and seventy-five
cents per lot shall be paid to the department or to the city, county or
part-county health district wherein such plans are filed, and where the
approval sought is from the department, such additional fee as may be
specified in article 70 of this chapter shall also be paid.

2. The department, or the city, county or part-county health district,
shall not review or approve any such subdivision map submitted for
approval after this section takes effect until such fee, as herein
provided, has been received by it.

3. If any plan submitted to the department, or to a city, county or
part-county health district, cannot be approved, such plan shall be
returned to the person who submitted the plan with a summary of the
reasons for disapproval.