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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1707
Discharge of sewage into the Susquehanna near Binghamton prohibited
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1707. Discharge of sewage into the Susquehanna near Binghamton


1. No person or corporation shall cause to fall, flow or discharge
into the Susquehanna river or any of its tributaries, between the Rock
Bottom dam in such river at the city of Binghamton, and a point one mile
east of the bridge that crosses such river at Conklin, any sewage
matter, or other foul, noxious or deleterious, solid or liquid matter,
or any matter that may be declared such by the board of health of any
municipality adjacent to such river within such limit.

The board of health of any such municipality shall examine into any
alleged offense against this section and cause the same to be abated, if
found to exist.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973