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SECTION 17-1715
Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Oneida Lake prohibited
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1715. Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Oneida

Lake prohibited.

1. No person or corporation shall cause or permit the fall, flow or
discharge into Oneida lake or any of its tributaries of any sewage
matter, or other foul, noxious or deleterious, solid or liquid matter,
or effluent from any sewage disposal plant, or any matter that may be
declared such by the board of health of any municipality adjacent to
such lake where any such fall, flow or discharge shall occur.

2. It shall be the duty of the board of health of any municipality
where any such fall, flow or discharge shall occur to cause the same to
be abated; provided that any person aggrieved by any such fall, flow or
discharge may also cause such abatement, by injunction or other
appropriate action or proceeding.

3. The prohibition of the discharge of sewage effluent as hereinbefore
in this section provided shall not apply to the treated effluent from a
sewage or waste treatment plant which has been, or may be, constructed,
maintained and operated in accordance with plans approved and a permit
issued by the former Water Pollution Control Board. Such permit shall
prohibit the discharge of sewage effiuent into Oneida lake or any of its
tributaries in any quantities which will adversely affect said waters or
which will render said waters unsuitable for any purpose recognized
under the classification of said waters by the former Water Pollution
Control Board.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973