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SECTION 17-1725
Permission to discharge sewage
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1725. Permission to discharge sewage.

1. Upon application duly made to the commissioner by the public
authorities having by law the charge of the sewer system of any
municipality, the commissioner shall have power to consider the case of
a sewer system otherwise prohibited by section 17-1701 from discharging
sewage into any of the waters of the state, and whenever in his opinion
the general interests of the public health would not be endangered
thereby he may issue a permit for the discharge of sewage from any such
sewer system into any of the waters of the state, and may stipulate in
the permit, modification, regulations and conditions on which such
discharge may be permitted.

2. Such application must be made in a form required by the
commissioner. The plans for the construction of any sewer system or
sewage disposal plant for the extension, reconstruction or modification
of sewers, sewer systems or sewage disposal plants the permit for the
discharge from which is requested from the commissioner as provided in
this section shall be submitted to and approved by the department before
such permit becomes effective.

3. Such permit before being operative shall be recorded in the county
clerk's office of the county wherein the outlet of the said sewer system
is located, and a copy of the permit shall be transmitted by the
commissioner to the board of health of the municipality wherein the
outlet of said sewer system is located.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973