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SECTION 19-0328
Ozone non-attainment fee programs
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 19, TITLE 3
§ 19-0328. Ozone non-attainment fee programs.

1. The department may implement new or revise existing regulatory or
permitting fee programs only to the extent necessary to comply with
section 7511d of the Act related to the non-attainment of national
ambient air quality standards.

2. Fees imposed pursuant to subdivision one of this section shall be
calculated in the manner set forth in the Act.

3. The department shall further establish by rule or rules additional
procedures to the extent necessary for assessment of and collection of
such fees that shall ensure sufficient notice, fee amounts and
compliance information are given to affected parties.

4. Moneys received pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the
air quality improvement fund as established in section ninety-nine-rr of
the state finance law.