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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 21-1103
State member of the basin panel and representative; planning members
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 21, TITLE 11
§ 21-1103. State member of the basin panel and representative; planning


1. As provided in the third subdivision of section three of article
three of the compact the Governor shall be this state's member on the
basin panel established thereby or shall appoint a representative to act
for him. He shall appoint four planning members of the commissions to
serve at his pleasure: a citizen who is a resident of the valley, a
state planning official, a state parks official and an officer of the
Department of Environmental Conservation.

2. The legislative member shall be elected by a majority vote of the
legislators elected from the counties of Clinton, Essex, Warren and

3. Any person, member or alternate, serving on the interstate
commission on Lake Champlain basin (Incochamp) pursuant to this section
shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred as an incident
of such service, and such reimbursement shall be from the funds of said
person's department or office. For this purpose the citizen member shall
be considered as a member of the executive department.