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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 21-1507
Jurisdiction of courts
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 21, TITLE 15
* § 21-1507. Jurisdiction of courts.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in such compact, the phrase
"court of competent jurisdiction" as used in the mid-Atlantic states air
pollution control compact shall, with reference to this state, mean the
supreme court, and said court is hereby given all necessary and
appropriate jurisdiction to hear and determine any action or proceeding
brought before it pursuant to appropriate provisions of the compact. As
used in section 4.6 of the compact, the phrase "court of competent
jurisdiction" shall mean a court in which an appropriate proceeding
under article seventy-eight of the Civil Practice Law and Rules may be
brought. As used in subdivision a of section 3.2 of the compact, the
phrase "court of competent jurisdiction" shall mean any court of this
state in which an action or proceeding of the same class brought by a
resident could be heard and determined.
* NB Denied Congressional consent; preempted by enactment of federal Air

Quality Act of 1967 (81 stat. 485)