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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 23-1307
Ownership of storage gas and storage rights
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 23, TITLE 13
§ 23-1307. Ownership of storage gas and storage rights.

1. All gas and liquefied petroleum gas, which has previously been
reduced to possession, and which is lawfully injected into an
underground storage reservoir, shall be deemed the property of the
injector, his heirs, successors or assigns, provided that the injector,
his heirs, successors or assigns, shall have no right to reserves of
native gas or oil remaining in any stratum or portion thereof which have
not been condemned hereunder or otherwise acquired by such injector, his
heirs, successors or assigns. Nothing contained in this subdivision
shall be construed to confer on any operator any storage rights not
otherwise acquired or held by him.

2. No production lease shall be construed to include rights to store
oil or gas unless the lease includes a provision granting such storage
rights. The rule of construction provided in this subdivision is not
intended to alter any law or rule of construction applicable to leases
made prior to October 1, 1963 or to imply any rule of construction for
such leases.