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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 27-0105
Preferred statewide hazardous waste management practices hierarchy
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 1
§ 27-0105. Preferred statewide hazardous waste management practices


It is hereby declared that the following preferred hazardous waste
management practices hierarchy is to be used to guide all hazardous
waste policies and decisions:

a. The generation of hazardous wastes is to be reduced or eliminated
to the maximum extent practical;

b. Hazardous wastes that continue to be generated are to be recovered,
reused or recycled to the maximum extent practical;

c. Detoxification, treatment or destruction technologies are to be
utilized for hazardous wastes which cannot be reduced, recovered, reused
or recycled; and

d. Land disposal of industrial hazardous wastes, except treated
residuals posing no significant threat to the public health or to the
environment, should be phased out as it is the least preferable method
of industrial hazardous waste management.