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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 27-0926
Use and recycling of elemental mercury and dental amalgam by dentists
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 9
§ 27-0926. Use and recycling of elemental mercury and dental amalgam by


1. No dentist shall use or possess elemental mercury in the practice
of dentistry unless such elemental mercury is contained in appropriate
pre-encapsulated capsules specifically designed for the mixing of dental
amalgam. All dentists shall recycle any elemental mercury, including any
pre-encapsulated mercury capsule waste, and dental amalgam waste
generated in their dental practices in accordance with rules and
regulations established by the commissioner.

2. The commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate
rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this section.