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SECTION 27-1316
Citizen technical assistance grants
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 13
§ 27-1316. Citizen technical assistance grants.

1. The commissioner is authorized to provide, or order a person acting
under order or on consent, to provide grants to any not-for-profit
corporation exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal
revenue code who may be affected by an inactive hazardous waste disposal
site remedial program. To qualify to receive such assistance, a
community group must demonstrate that its membership represents the
interests of the community affected by such site, and that members'
health, economic well-being or enjoyment of the environment are
potentially affected by such site. Such grants shall be known as
technical assistance grants and may be used to obtain technical
assistance in interpreting information with regard to the nature of the
hazard posed by hazardous waste located at or emanating from an inactive
hazardous waste disposal site or sites and the development and
implementation of an inactive hazardous waste disposal site remedial
program or programs. Such grants may also be used:

(a) to advise affected residents on any health assessment; and

(b) for training funds for the education of interested affected
community members to enable them to more effectively participate in the
remedy selection process.

Grants awarded under this section may not be used for the purposes of
collecting field sampling data, political activity or lobbying
legislative bodies.

2. The amount of any grant awarded under this section may not exceed
fifty thousand dollars at any one site.

3. No matching contribution from the grant recipient shall be required
for a technical assistance grant. Following a grant award, a portion of
the grant shall be made available to the grant recipient, in advance of
the expenditures to be covered by the grant, in five thousand dollar