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This entry was published on 2024-12-20
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SECTION 27-3003
Expanded polystyrene foam containers and polystyrene loose fill packaging ban
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 30
§ 27-3003. Expanded polystyrene foam containers and polystyrene loose

fill packaging ban.

1. (a) Beginning January first, two thousand twenty-two, no covered
food service provider or store shall sell, offer for sale, or distribute
disposable food service containers that contain expanded polystyrene
foam in the state.

(b) Beginning January first, two thousand twenty-two, no manufacturer
or store shall sell, offer for sale, or distribute polystyrene loose
fill packaging in the state.

(c) Beginning January first, two thousand twenty-six, no covered food
service provider, manufacturer or store shall sell, offer for sale, or
distribute expanded polystyrene containers that are not wholly
encapsulated or encased within a more durable container and are designed
or intended to be used for cold storage, including but not limited to
coolers and ice chests.

2. The department is authorized to promulgate any other such rules and
regulations as it shall deem necessary to implement the provisions of
this title including criteria related to what constitutes comparable
costs pursuant to subdivision two of section 27-3005 of this title.