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This entry was published on 2025-01-03
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SECTION 27-3307
Retailer requirements
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 33
§ 27-3307. Retailer requirements.

1. Beginning July first, two thousand twenty-six, no retailer may sell
or offer for sale carpet in the state unless the producer of such carpet
is participating in a carpet collection program. A retailer shall be in
compliance with this section if, on the date the carpet was offered for
sale, the producer is listed on the department's website as implementing
or participating in an approved program or if the carpet brand is listed
on the department's website as being included in the program.

2. Any retailer may participate, on a voluntary basis, as a designated
collection site pursuant to a carpet collection program and in
accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.