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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 51-0103
Allocation of moneys
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 51, TITLE 1
§ 51-0103. Allocation of moneys.

The moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds pursuant to
the environmental quality bond act of nineteen hundred seventy-two shall
be expended pursuant to appropriations, in the following amounts and (a)
for deposit in the water pollution control revolving fund established by
section twelve hundred eighty-five-j of the public authorities law, or
(b) as specifically provided for in titles 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 of this

1. For preserving, enhancing, restoring and improving the quality of
water as set forth in title 3 of this article or in section twelve
hundred eighty-five-j of the public authorities law and section 17-1909
of this chapter, six hundred fifty million dollars ($650,000,000); and

2. For preserving, enhancing, restoring and improving the quality of
air as set forth in title 5 of this article, one hundred fifty million
dollars ($150,000,000); and

3. For preserving, enhancing, restoring and improving the quality of
land as set forth in titles 7, 9 and 11 of this article, three hundred
fifty million dollars ($350,000,000).