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This entry was published on 2023-08-18
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SECTION 58-0107
Powers and duties of a municipality
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 58, TITLE 1
§ 58-0107. Powers and duties of a municipality.

A municipality shall have the power and authority to:

1. Undertake and carry out any project for which state assistance
payments pursuant to contract are received or are to be received
pursuant to this article and maintain and operate such project.

2. Expend money received from the state pursuant to this article for
costs incurred in conjunction with the approved project.

3. Apply for and receive moneys from the state for the purpose of
accomplishing projects undertaken or to be undertaken pursuant to this

4. Perform such other and further acts as may be necessary, proper or
desirable to carry out a project or obligation, duty or function related