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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 71-1307
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 71, TITLE 13
§ 71-1307. Sanctions.

1. Administrative sanctions. Any person who violates any provision of
article 23 of this chapter or commits any offense described in section
71-1305 of this title shall be liable to the people of the state for a
civil penalty not to exceed eight thousand dollars and an additional
penalty of two thousand dollars for each day during which such violation
continues, to be assessed by the commissioner after a hearing or
opportunity to be heard. The commissioner, acting by the attorney
general, may bring suit for collection of such assessed civil penalty in
any court of competent jurisdiction. Such civil penalty may be released
or compromised by the commissioner before the matter has been referred
to the attorney general; and where such matter has been referred to the
attorney general, any such penalty may be released or compromised and
any action commenced to recover the same may be settled and discontinued
by the attorney general with the consent of the commissioner. In
addition, the commissioner shall have the power, following a hearing
conducted pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the department,
to direct the violator to cease the violation and reclaim and repair the
affected site to a condition acceptable to the commissioner, to the
extent possible within a reasonable time and under the direction and
supervision of the commissioner. Any such order of the commissioner
shall be enforceable in any action brought by the commissioner in any
court of competent jurisdiction. Any civil penalty or order issued by
the commissioner under this subdivision shall be reviewable in a
proceeding under article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and

2. Civil sanctions. In lieu of seeking administrative sanctions, the
commissioner may refer any violation described in subdivision 1 of this
section to the attorney general who shall be empowered to bring a civil
suit to seek any of the sanctions described in subdivision 1 of this
section. Any such sanctions imposed may be released or compromised or
the action may be settled and discontinued by the attorney general with
the consent of the commissioner.

3. Criminal sanctions. Any person who, having any of the culpable
mental states defined in sections 15.05 and 20.20 of the penal law,
violates any provision of article 23 of this chapter or commits any
offense described in section 71-1305 of this title shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine
not to exceed one thousand dollars for each day during which such
violation continues or by imprisonment for a term of not more than one
year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. If the conviction is for a
subsequent offense committed after a first conviction of such person
under this subdivision, punishment shall be by a fine not to exceed
eight thousand dollars for each day during which such violation
continues or by imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.

4. This section shall not affect the rights of any other person
seeking damages arising out of a violation.

5. All fines collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the
environmental protection fund established pursuant to section
ninety-two-s of the state finance law.