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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 71-3303
Civil and administrative sanctions
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 71, TITLE 33
§ 71-3303. Civil and administrative sanctions.

1. Any person who violates any provision of, or fails to perform any
duty imposed by article forty-three of this chapter or any rule or
regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any term or condition of any
certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto, or any final
determination or order of the Lake George park commission made pursuant
to article forty-three of this chapter shall be liable for a civil
penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars for each such violation and
an additional penalty of five hundred dollars for each day during which
such violation continues, to be assessed by the Lake George park
commission after an opportunity to be heard, or by the court in any
action or proceeding initiated by the attorney general in the name of
the Lake George park commission. In addition thereto, such person may,
by similar process, be enjoined from continuing such violation, and any
permit or certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended,
or a pending renewal application denied based upon such violation.

2. Such civil penalty may be released or compromised by the Lake
George park commission before the matter has been referred to the
attorney general; and, where such matter has been referred to the
attorney general, any such penalty may be released or compromised and
any action commenced to recover the same may be settled and discontinued
by the attorney general with the consent of the Lake George park