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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 71-4408
Unlawful release of regulated medical waste in the first degree
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 71, TITLE 44
§ 71-4408. Unlawful release of regulated medical waste in the first


A person is guilty of unlawful release of regulated medical waste in
the first degree when such person:

1. Knowingly engages in conduct which causes the release to the
environment of regulated medical waste, which includes any quantity of
regulated medical waste which is capable at the time of transport, or at
any time thereafter, of causing serious physical injury or death to any
person who is not a participant in the crime; or

2. Knowingly engages in conduct constituting a single criminal
transaction which causes the release to the environment of more than one
thousand gallons or ten thousand pounds, whichever is less, of an
aggregate weight or volume of regulated medical waste.

Unlawful release of regulated medical waste in the first degree is a
class D felony.