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AN ACT in relation to executive officers, constituting chapter eighteen

of the consolidated laws
Became a law April 13, 1951, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,

by a majority vote, three-fifths being present
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly,

do enact as follows:



Article 1. Short title (§ 1).

2. Governor (§§ 2-12).

2-A. Reprieves, commutations and pardons (§§ 15-19).

2-B. State and local natural and man-made disaster

preparedness (§§ 20--29-j).

3. Executive department (§§ 30-32).

4. Department of audit and control (§§ 40-50).

4-A. Office of the state inspector general (§§ 51-55).

4-B. Office of the inspector general of New York for

transportation (§§ 56-58).

5. Department of law (§§ 60-75).

6. Department of state (§§ 90-144-a).

6-A. State register (§§ 145-149).

6-B. Services to localities (§§ 150-153).

6-C. Office of fire prevention and control (§§ 155--159-d).

6-D. Community services block grant program

(§§ 159-e--159-l).

6-E. State certified and licensed real estate appraisers

(§§ 160--160-bb).

6-F. New York Black Car operators' injury compensation fund,

Inc. (§§ 160-cc--160-oo).

6-G. Independent Livery Driver benefit fund

(§§ 160-aaa--160-iii).

6-H. Real estate appraisal management companies (§§ 160-aaaa--


7. Miscellaneous provisions (§§ 161-171).

7-A. Solicitation and collection of funds for charitable

purposes (§§ 171-a--177).

8. Division of budget (§§ 180-183).

9. Division of military and naval affairs (§§ 190-191).

10. Office of general services (§§ 200--203-b).

10-B. New York State office of science, technology and academic

research (§§ 209--209-t).

11. Division of state police (§§ 210-235).

12. Division of probation and correctional alternatives

(§§ 240-249).

12-A. Probation officers and related matters (§§ 255-258).

12-B. State division of parole (§§ 259--259-t).

13. Division of housing (§ 260).

13-A. Alternatives to incarceration service plans

(§§ 261-267).

14. Division of alcoholic beverage control (§§ 270-274).

15. Human rights law (§§ 290-301).

15-A. Participation by minority group members and women with

respect to state contracts (§§ 310-318).

15-B. New York State Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute for

Nonviolence Act (§§ 320-327).

15-C. Religious accommodation for licensing examinations

(§§ 328--328-a).

16. Martin Luther King, Jr. commission (§ 329).

16-A. Highway safety (§§ 330-334).

18. New York state uniform fire prevention and building code

act (§§ 370-383).

18-A. Display of flag on uniforms (§ 390).

19. Display and use of the flag of the United States of

America in parks and on public buildings (§§


19-A. Delinquency and youth crime prevention (§§ 411-426).

19-B. State bingo control commission (§§ 430--439-a).

19-D. Developmental disabilities planning council (§ 450).

19-F. Rural Affairs Act (§§ 480-491).

19-G. Office of children and family services (§§ 500-531).

19-H. Runaway and homeless youth act of nineteen hundred

seventy-eight (§§ 532--532-f).

19-I. Waterfront commission act (§§ 534--534-z).

19-L. New York state neighborhood based initiatives act

(§§ 548-a--548-h).

20. Protection of people with special needs (§§ 550-562).

21. New York state office for the prevention of domestic

violence (§§ 575-576).

21-A. Emergency services council (§ 580).

21-B. Manufactured homes (§§ 600-617)

22. Crime victims board (§§ 620-636).

23. Fair treatment standards for crime victims (§§ 640-649).

24. Office of employee relations (§§ 650-654).

25. Most integrated setting coordinating council

(§§ 700-703).

26. Division of homeland security and emergency services

(§§ 709-719).

26-B. Board of social welfare (§§ 740-750).

27. Adirondack park agency (§§ 800-820).

28. Workforce diversity program (§§ 821-826).

30. Indigent legal services (§§ 832-833).

35. Division of criminal justice services (§§ 835-846).

36. Neighborhood preservation crime prevention act

(§§ 846-a--846-h).

36-A. New York motor vehicle theft and insurance fraud

prevention demonstration program (§§ 846-i--846-m)

37. Tug Hill Commission (§§ 847-a--847-f).

38. National crime prevention and privacy compact (§ 850).

39. Office of business permits (§§ 875-893).

41. Office of urban revitalization (§§ 894-907).

42. Waterfront revitalization of coastal areas and inland

waterways (§§ 910-922).

44. Council on professional career opportunity (§§ 940-943).

45. Internal control responsibilities of state agencies

(§§ 950-954).

45-A. Temporary statewide health advisory board (§ 957).

45-B. Lyme and tick-borne diseases working group (§ 958).

46. Long Island South Shore Estuary Reserve (§§ 960--970-a).

48. Job training coordination (§§ 970*2-975).

49. Workforce preparation evaluation act (§§ 980-982).

49-A. New York state family policy (§§ 990-992).

49-B. Commission on forensic science and establishment of DNA

identification index (§§ 995--995-f).

50. Interpretation (§§ 1000-1003).