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Public awareness of safe storage of firearms
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 35
§ 847. Public awareness of safe storage of firearms. 1. The
commissioner shall develop and implement a public awareness campaign to
educate the public on the safe storage of firearms, rifles and shotguns
and child access and prevention. The public awareness campaign shall
include, but not be limited to, educational materials, resources and
information related to New York state child access prevention laws and
laws relating to the safe storage and transport of firearms, rifles and
shotguns including sections 265.45, 265.46, and 400.00 of the penal law,
available methods for the safe storage of firearms, rifles and shotguns
designed to prevent child access, firearm violence prevention resources,
and county and local specific laws and regulations related to child
access prevention and safe storage of firearms, rifles and shotguns.

2. The commissioner shall make the educational materials developed for
use in this public awareness campaign readily shareable in a digital
format and make the materials available on the public facing portion of
the division's website. The commissioner shall make the educational
materials readily available to any agency who requests such educational
materials for dissemination.

3. On or before July first, two thousand twenty-five, and each July
first thereafter, the division shall update, as necessary, the
educational materials developed pursuant to subdivision one of this
section and make available and disseminate the updated materials
pursuant to subdivision two of this section.