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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Subpoena, warrant and other process to compel attendance
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 1, PART 5
§ 153. Subpoena, warrant and other process to compel attendance. The
family court may issue a subpoena or in a proper case a warrant or other
process to secure or compel the attendance of an adult respondent or
child or any other person whose testimony or presence at a hearing or
proceeding is deemed by the court to be necessary, and to admit to, fix
or accept bail, or parole him pending the completion of the hearing or
proceeding. The court is also authorized to issue a subpoena duces tecum
in accordance with the applicable provisions of the civil practice act
and, upon its effective date, in accordance with the applicable
provisions of the CPLR. A judge of the family court is also authorized
to hear and decide motions relating to child support subpoenas issued
pursuant to section one hundred eleven-p of the social services law.