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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notice of order of protection
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 1, PART 6
§ 168. Notice of order of protection. 1. In any case in which an order
of protection or temporary order of protection has been made by the
family court, the clerk of the court shall issue a copy of such order to
the petitioner and respondent and to any other person affected by the
order. The presentation of a copy of an order of protection or temporary
order of protection or a warrant or a certificate of warrant to any
peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, or police officer
shall constitute authority for him to arrest a person charged with
violating the terms of such order of protection or temporary order of
protection and bring such person before the court and, otherwise, so far
as lies within his power, to aid in securing the protection such order
was intended to afford, provided, however, that any outstanding,
unexpired certificate of order of protection or temporary order of
protection shall have the same force and effect as a copy of such order
or temporary order.

2. A copy of an order of protection or temporary order of protection
shall be filed by the clerk of the court with the sheriff's office or
police department in the county in which the petitioner resides, or, if
the petitioner resides within a city, with the police department of such
city. A copy of such order of protection or temporary order of
protection may from time to time be filed by the clerk of the court with
any other police department or sheriff's office having jurisdiction of
the residence, work place and school of anyone intended to be protected
by such order. A copy of the order of protection or temporary order of
protection may also be filed by the petitioner with any appropriate
police department or sheriff's office having jursidiction. Any
subsequent amendment or revocation of such order shall be filed in the
same manner as herein provided. Any outstanding, unexpired certificate
or order of protection or temporary order of protection shall be filed
in the same manner as a copy of an order of protection or temporary
order of protection.

3. Any order of protection or temporary order of protection issued by
the family court shall bear, in a conspicuous manner, the language, as
the case may be, "this order constitutes an order of protection" or
"this order constitutes a temporary order of protection", on the front
page of said order. The order of protection or temporary order of
protection shall also contain the following notice: "This order of
protection will remain in effect even if the protected party has, or
consents to have, contact or communication with the party against whom
the order is issued. This order of protection can only be modified or
terminated by the court. The protected party cannot be held to violate
this order nor be arrested for violating this order.". The absence of
such language shall not affect the validity of such order.