Cooperation of officials and organizations
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 2, PART 5
* § 255. Cooperation of officials and organizations. It is hereby made
the duty of, and the family court or a judge thereof may order, any
state, county, municipal and school district officer and employee to
render such assistance and cooperation as shall be within his legal
authority, as may be required, to further the objects of this act
provided, however, that with respect to a school district an order made
pursuant to this section shall be limited to requiring the performance
of the duties imposed upon the school district and board of education or
trustees thereof pursuant to sections four thousand five, forty-four
hundred two and forty-four hundred four of the education law, to review,
evaluate, recommend, and determine the appropriate special services or
programs necessary to meet the needs of a handicapped child, but shall
not require the provisions of a specific special service or program, and
such order shall be made only where it appears to the court or judge
that adequate administrative procedure to require the performance of
such duties is not available. It is hereby made the duty of and the
family court or judge thereof may order, any agency or other institution
to render such information, assistance and cooperation as shall be
within its legal authority concerning a child who is or shall be under
its care, treatment, supervision or custody as may be required to
further the objects of this act. The court is authorized to seek the
cooperation of, and may use, within its authorized appropriation
therefor, the services of all societies or organizations, public or
private, having for their object the protection or aid of children or
families, including family counselling services, to the end that the
court may be assisted in every reasonable way to give the children and
families within its jurisdiction such care, protection and assistance as
will best enhance their welfare.
* NB Effective until June 19, 2025
* § 255. Cooperation of officials and organizations. (a) It is hereby
made the duty of, and the family court or a judge thereof may order, any
state, county, municipal and school district officer and employee to
render such assistance and cooperation as shall be within their legal
authority, as may be required, to further the objects of this act
provided, however, that with respect to a school district an order made
pursuant to this section shall be limited to requiring the performance
of the duties imposed upon the school district and board of education or
trustees thereof pursuant to sections four thousand five, forty-four
hundred two and forty-four hundred four of the education law, to review,
evaluate, recommend, and determine the appropriate special services or
programs necessary to meet the needs of a handicapped child, but shall
not require the provisions of a specific special service or program, and
such order shall be made only where it appears to the court or judge
that adequate administrative procedure to require the performance of
such duties is not available. It is hereby made the duty of and the
family court or judge thereof may order, any agency or other institution
to render such information, assistance and cooperation as shall be
within its legal authority concerning a child who is or shall be under
its care, treatment, supervision or custody as may be required to
further the objects of this act. The court is authorized to seek the
cooperation of, and may use, within its authorized appropriation
therefor, the services of all societies or organizations, public or
private, having for their object the protection or aid of children or
families, including family counselling services, to the end that the
court may be assisted in every reasonable way to give the children and
families within its jurisdiction such care, protection and assistance as
will best enhance their welfare.
(b) An order of the family court or a judge thereof directing a social
services district and/or social services official, as defined in section
two of the social services law, to perform an action for the purpose of
assisting a youth placed in foster care, shall remain enforceable after
such youth is discharged from foster care pursuant to subdivision (d) of
section one thousand eighty-eight of this act.
* NB Effective June 19, 2025
the duty of, and the family court or a judge thereof may order, any
state, county, municipal and school district officer and employee to
render such assistance and cooperation as shall be within his legal
authority, as may be required, to further the objects of this act
provided, however, that with respect to a school district an order made
pursuant to this section shall be limited to requiring the performance
of the duties imposed upon the school district and board of education or
trustees thereof pursuant to sections four thousand five, forty-four
hundred two and forty-four hundred four of the education law, to review,
evaluate, recommend, and determine the appropriate special services or
programs necessary to meet the needs of a handicapped child, but shall
not require the provisions of a specific special service or program, and
such order shall be made only where it appears to the court or judge
that adequate administrative procedure to require the performance of
such duties is not available. It is hereby made the duty of and the
family court or judge thereof may order, any agency or other institution
to render such information, assistance and cooperation as shall be
within its legal authority concerning a child who is or shall be under
its care, treatment, supervision or custody as may be required to
further the objects of this act. The court is authorized to seek the
cooperation of, and may use, within its authorized appropriation
therefor, the services of all societies or organizations, public or
private, having for their object the protection or aid of children or
families, including family counselling services, to the end that the
court may be assisted in every reasonable way to give the children and
families within its jurisdiction such care, protection and assistance as
will best enhance their welfare.
* NB Effective until June 19, 2025
* § 255. Cooperation of officials and organizations. (a) It is hereby
made the duty of, and the family court or a judge thereof may order, any
state, county, municipal and school district officer and employee to
render such assistance and cooperation as shall be within their legal
authority, as may be required, to further the objects of this act
provided, however, that with respect to a school district an order made
pursuant to this section shall be limited to requiring the performance
of the duties imposed upon the school district and board of education or
trustees thereof pursuant to sections four thousand five, forty-four
hundred two and forty-four hundred four of the education law, to review,
evaluate, recommend, and determine the appropriate special services or
programs necessary to meet the needs of a handicapped child, but shall
not require the provisions of a specific special service or program, and
such order shall be made only where it appears to the court or judge
that adequate administrative procedure to require the performance of
such duties is not available. It is hereby made the duty of and the
family court or judge thereof may order, any agency or other institution
to render such information, assistance and cooperation as shall be
within its legal authority concerning a child who is or shall be under
its care, treatment, supervision or custody as may be required to
further the objects of this act. The court is authorized to seek the
cooperation of, and may use, within its authorized appropriation
therefor, the services of all societies or organizations, public or
private, having for their object the protection or aid of children or
families, including family counselling services, to the end that the
court may be assisted in every reasonable way to give the children and
families within its jurisdiction such care, protection and assistance as
will best enhance their welfare.
(b) An order of the family court or a judge thereof directing a social
services district and/or social services official, as defined in section
two of the social services law, to perform an action for the purpose of
assisting a youth placed in foster care, shall remain enforceable after
such youth is discharged from foster care pursuant to subdivision (d) of
section one thousand eighty-eight of this act.
* NB Effective June 19, 2025