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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Motion to dismiss; defective petition
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 1
§ 315.1. Motion to dismiss; defective petition. 1. A petition or a
count thereof is defective when:

(a) it does not substantially conform to the requirements stated in
sections 311.1 and 311.2; provided that a petition may not be dismissed
as defective, but must instead be amended when the defect or
irregularity is of a kind that may be cured by amendment pursuant to
section 311.5, and where the presentment agency moves to so amend; or

(b) the allegations demonstrate that the court does not have
jurisdiction of the crime charged; or

(c) the statute defining the crime charged is unconstitutional or
otherwise invalid.

2. An order dismissing a petition as defective may be issued upon
motion of the respondent or of the court itself.

3. A motion to dismiss under this section must be made within the time
provided for in section 332.2.