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This entry was published on 2016-02-19
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Petition of violation
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 6
§ 360.2. Petition of violation. 1. If at any time during the period of
an order of probation or conditional discharge the probation service has
reasonable cause to believe that the respondent has violated a condition
thereof, it may file a petition of violation.

2. The petition must be verified and subscribed by the probation
service or the appropriate presentment agency. Such petition must
stipulate the condition or conditions of the order violated and a
reasonable description of the time, place and manner in which the
violation occurred. Non-hearsay allegations of the factual part of the
petition or of any supporting depositions must establish, if true, every
violation charged.

3. The court must promptly take reasonable and appropriate action to
cause the respondent to appear before it for the purpose of enabling the
court to make a determination with respect to the alleged violation.
Such action may include the issuance of a summons under section 312.1 or
the issuance of a warrant under section 312.2.

4. If a petition is filed under subdivision one, the period of
probation as prescribed by section 353.2 or conditional discharge as
prescribed by section 353.1 shall be interrupted as of the date of the
filing of the petition. Such interruption shall continue until a final
determination as to the petition has been made by the court pursuant to
a hearing held in accordance with section 360.3 or until such time as
the respondent reaches the maximum age of acceptance into an office of
children and family services facility.

5. If the court determines that there was no violation of probation or
conditional discharge by the respondent, the period of interruption
shall be credited to the period of probation or conditional discharge,
as applicable.