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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appeal; authorized as of right
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 6
§ 365.1. Appeal; authorized as of right. 1. An appeal to the
appropriate appellate division may be taken as of right by the
respondent from any order of disposition under this article in
accordance with article eleven.

2. An appeal to the appropriate appellate division may be taken as of
right by the presentment agency from the following orders of the family

(a) an order dismissing a petition prior to the commencement of a
fact-finding hearing; or

(b) an order of disposition, but only upon the ground that such order
was invalid as a matter of law; or

(c) an order suppressing evidence entered before the commencement of
the fact-finding hearing pursuant to section 330.2, provided that such
presentment agency files a statement pursuant to subdivision nine of
section 330.2.