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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Persons who may originate proceedings
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5, PART 2
§ 522. Persons who may originate proceedings. Proceedings to establish
the paternity of the child and to compel support under this article may
be commenced by the mother, whether a minor or not, by a person alleging
to be the father, whether a minor or not, by the child or child's
guardian or other person standing in a parental relation or being the
next of kin of the child, or by any authorized representative of an
incorporated society doing charitable or philanthropic work, or if the
mother or child is or is likely to become a public charge on a county,
city or town, by a public welfare official of the county, city or town
where the mother resides or the child is found. If a proceeding is
originated by a public welfare official and thereafter withdrawn or
dismissed without consideration on the merits, such withdrawal or
dismissal shall be without prejudice to other persons.