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This entry was published on 2016-01-08
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SECTION 580-105
Application of the article to a resident of a foreign country and foreign support proceedings
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5-B, PART 1
§ 580-105. Application of the article to a resident of a foreign
country and foreign support proceedings. (a) A tribunal of this state
shall apply parts one through six of this article and, as applicable,
part seven of this article, to a support proceeding involving:

(1) a foreign support order;

(2) a foreign tribunal; or

(3) an obligee, obligor, or child residing in a foreign country.

(b) A tribunal of this state that is requested to recognize and
enforce a support order on the basis of comity may apply the procedural
and substantive provisions of parts one through six of this article.

(c) Part seven of this article applies only to a support proceeding
under the convention. In such a proceeding, if a provision of part seven
of this article is inconsistent with parts one through six of this
article, part seven of this article controls.