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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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SECTION 581-205
Inspection of records
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5-C, PART 2
§ 581-205. Inspection of records. Court records relating to
proceedings under this article shall be sealed, provided, however, that
the office of temporary and disability assistance, a child support unit
of a social services district or a child support agency of another state
providing child support services pursuant to title IV-d of the federal
social security act, when a party to a related support proceeding and to
the extent necessary to provide child support services or for the
administration of the program pursuant to title IV-d of the federal
social security act, may obtain a copy of a judgment of parentage. The
parties to the proceeding and the child shall have the right to inspect
and make copies of the entire court record, including, but not limited
to, the name of the person acting as surrogate and any known donor.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the county clerk or the
clerk of the supreme, surrogate's or family court shall not display the
surname of the child or parties in any caption, document, index, minutes
or other record available to the public, whether filed in hard copy or