SECTION 581-705
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5-C, PART 7
§ 581-705. Adjudication. (a) A court adjudicating the parentage of a
child conceived through assisted reproduction or adjudicating the
enforceability of an embryo disposition agreement may apply section
581-202 and part three of this article retroactively.
(b) The participants in a surrogacy agreement that involved the
payment of compensation prior to February fifteenth, two thousand
twenty-one shall not be eligible to receive a judgment of parentage
pursuant to section 581-203 or section 581-406 of this article, but
shall be entitled to seek a judgment of parentage pursuant to section
581-407 of this article.
(c) This article shall apply retroactively to uncompensated surrogacy
agreements entered into prior to February fifteenth, two thousand
twenty-one, with regard to a court adjudication the parentage of a
(d) Surrogacy agreements that were executed on or after February
fifteenth, two thousand twenty-one, but before the effective date of the
chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-four that added this
subdivision that were in compliance with this article before it was
amended by the chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-four that
added this subdivision shall be deemed a compliant surrogacy agreement
pursuant to section 581-406 of this article regardless of any deviations
from the current provisions of this article.
child conceived through assisted reproduction or adjudicating the
enforceability of an embryo disposition agreement may apply section
581-202 and part three of this article retroactively.
(b) The participants in a surrogacy agreement that involved the
payment of compensation prior to February fifteenth, two thousand
twenty-one shall not be eligible to receive a judgment of parentage
pursuant to section 581-203 or section 581-406 of this article, but
shall be entitled to seek a judgment of parentage pursuant to section
581-407 of this article.
(c) This article shall apply retroactively to uncompensated surrogacy
agreements entered into prior to February fifteenth, two thousand
twenty-one, with regard to a court adjudication the parentage of a
(d) Surrogacy agreements that were executed on or after February
fifteenth, two thousand twenty-one, but before the effective date of the
chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-four that added this
subdivision that were in compliance with this article before it was
amended by the chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-four that
added this subdivision shall be deemed a compliant surrogacy agreement
pursuant to section 581-406 of this article regardless of any deviations
from the current provisions of this article.