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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Originating proceeding for the commitment of the guardianship and custody of a permanently neglected child
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 6, PART 1
§ 614. Originating proceeding for the commitment of the guardianship
and custody of a permanently neglected child. 1. A proceeding for the
commitment of the guardianship and custody of a child on the ground of
permanent neglect is originated by a petition, alleging:

(a) the child is a person under eighteen years of age;

(b) the child is in the care of an authorized agency;

(c) the authorized agency has made diligent efforts to encourage and
strengthen the parental relationship and specifying the efforts made or
that such efforts would be detrimental to the best interests of the
child and specifying the reasons therefor;

(d) the parent or custodian, notwithstanding the agency's efforts, has
failed for a period of either at least one year or fifteen out of the
most recent twenty-two months following the date such child came into
the care of an authorized agency substantially and continuously or
repeatedly to maintain contact with or plan for the future of the child,
although physically and financially able to do so; and

(e) the best interests of the child require that the guardianship and
custody of the child be committed to an authorized agency or to a foster
parent authorized to originate this proceeding under section one
thousand eighty-nine of this act.

2. Where the petitioner is not the authorized agency, allegations
relating to the efforts of the authorized agency may be made upon
information and belief.