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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Sequence of hearings
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 6, PART 1
§ 625. Sequence of hearings. (a) Upon completion of the fact-finding
hearing, the dispositional hearing may commence immediately after the
required findings are made; provided, however, that if all parties
consent the court may, upon motion of any party or upon its own motion,
dispense with the dispositional hearing and make an order of disposition
on the basis of competent evidence admitted at the fact-finding hearing.
Where the disposition ordered is the commitment of guardianship and
custody in accordance with section six hundred thirty-four of this part,
an initial freed child permanency hearing and all subsequent permanency
hearings shall be held in accordance with article ten-A of this act.

(b) Reports prepared by the probation service or a duly authorized
agency for use by the court prior to the making of an order of
disposition shall be deemed confidential information furnished to the
court which the court in a proper case may, in its discretion, withhold
from or disclose in whole or in part to the child's attorney, counsel,
party in interest, or other appropriate person. Such reports may not be
furnished to the court prior to the completion of a fact-finding
hearing, but may be used in a dispositional hearing or in the making of
an order of disposition without a dispositional hearing pursuant to
subdivision (a) of this section.