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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Wage freeze
NYS Financial Emergency Act for the city of NY 868/75 (FEA) CHAPTER 0
* § 10. Wage freeze. 1. Increases in salary or wages of employees of
the city and employees of covered organizations which have taken effect
since June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-five or which will take
effect after that date pursuant to collective bargaining agreements or
other analogous contracts, now in existence or hereafter entered into,
requiring such salary increases as of July first, nineteen hundred
seventy-five or as of any date thereafter are hereby suspended. All
increased payments for holiday and vacation differentials, shift
differentials, salary adjustments according to plan and step-ups or
increments for employees of the city and employees of covered
organizations which have taken effect since June thirtieth, nineteen
hundred seventy-five or which will take effect after that date pursuant
to collective bargaining agreements or other analogous contracts
requiring such increased payments as of July first, nineteen hundred
seventy-five as of any date thereafter are hereby, in the same manner,
suspended. For the purposes of computing the pension base of retirement
allowances, the suspended salary or wage increases and the suspended
other payments shall not be considered as part of compensation or final
compensation or of annual salary earned or earnable. The suspensions
provided herein shall be effective for the first pay period ending on or
subsequent to September first, nineteen hundred seventy-five and shall
continue until one year thereafter and, to the extent of any
determination of the board that a continuation of such suspensions, to a
date specified by the board, is necessary in order to achieve the
objectives of the financial plan, such suspensions shall be continued to
the date specified by such board, which date shall in no event be later
than the end of the emergency period.

2. This section shall not be applicable to employees of the city or
employees of a covered organization covered by a collective bargaining
agreement or an employee of the city or a covered organization not
covered by a collective bargaining agreement where the collective
bargaining representative or such unrepresented employee has agreed to a
deferment of salary or wage increase, by an instrument in writing which
has been certified by the mayor on or before September first, nineteen
hundred seventy-five, or certified by the board after September first,
nineteen hundred seventy-five as being an acceptable and appropriate
contribution toward alleviating the fiscal crisis of the city. The board
may, if it finds that the fiscal crisis has been sufficiently alleviated
or for any other appropriate reason, direct that the suspensions of
salary or wage increases or suspensions of other increased payments
shall, in whole or in part, be terminated.

3. The provisions of this section shall terminate on July first,
nineteen hundred seventy-eight.

* Terminates July 1, 2008 or ... see § 13