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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Private education debt reporting
Financial Services Law (FIS) CHAPTER 18-A, ARTICLE 9
§ 902. Private education debt reporting. 1. Each student loan servicer
shall, by the first of April of each year, submit an annual report which
complies with any instructions published by the superintendent, in the
manner set forth in such instructions, certifying as accurate the
following information for the private education debt such student loan
servicer serviced during the prior calendar year:

(a) a list of all private education creditors associated with the
private education debts serviced by the student loan servicer that are
owed by persons who resided in New York during the prior calendar year;

(b) for each private education creditor reported pursuant to paragraph
(a) of this subdivision, the following information:

(i) a list of the providers of higher education associated with the
private education debts serviced by the student loan servicer;

(ii) the total outstanding dollar amount and number of private
education debts and the number of consumers who owe such private
education debts;

(iii) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts
created in the prior calendar year;

(iv) the number of private education debts that experienced a default
and the percentage of such private education debts associated with each
private education creditor;

(v) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts that
defaulted for reasons other than non-payment in the prior calendar year;

(vi) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts
with a cosigner or guarantor;

(vii) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts
with a cosigner or guarantor created in the prior calendar year;

(viii) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts
created to refinance other private education debts or federal student
loans, respectively;

(ix) the total dollar amount and number of private education debts
created to refinance other private education debts or federal student
loans, respectively, in the prior calendar year;

(x) the total dollar amount and number of defaulted private education
debts for which the student loan servicer commenced, maintained, or
settled a lawsuit for collection in the prior calendar year; and

(xi) information as may in the judgment of the superintendent be
necessary and appropriate in order to assess the total size and status
of the private education debt market and to assess borrower well-being

4. Not later than two years following the effective date of this
section, the superintendent shall create a publicly accessible website
that includes at least the following information:

(a) The name, address, telephone number and website for all student
loan servicers; and

(b) A summary of the information required by subdivision one of this