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General Business

Laws 1909, Chap. 25.
AN ACT relating to general business, constituting chapter twenty of the

consolidated laws.

Became a law February 17, 1909, with the approval of the Governor.

Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:



Article 1. Short title (§ 1).

2. Sabbath (§ 2-17).

3. Auctions and auctioneers (§§ 21-28).

4. Peddlers (§§ 32--35-a).

4-A. Itinerant vendors (§§ 37-39).

5. Collateral loan brokers (§§ 40-55).

5-A. Commercial installment sales (§ 56).

6. Junk dealers (§§ 60-64).

6-A. Convict made goods (§ 69).

6-B. Sale of goods produced with child labor

(§§ 69-a--69-d).

6-C. Scrap processors (§§ 69-e--69-h).

6-D. Business of installing security or fire alarm systems

(§§ 69-l--69-z).

7. Private investigators, bail enforcement agents and

watch, guard and patrol agencies (§§ 70--89-a).

7-A. Security guard act (§§ 89-e--89-w).

8. Process servers (§§ 89-t--89-v).

8-A. Process servers and process serving agencies in cities

having a population of one million or more

(§§ 89-bb--89-ll).

8-B. Licensing of armored car carriers (§§ 89-aaa--89-nnn).

8-C. Training and registration of armored car guards

(§§ 89-ooo--89-zzz).

9. Bills of lading, warehouse receipts, other receipts

and vouchers (§§ 90-111).

9-A. Passage tickets (§§ 115-127).

9-B. Use of names and symbols (§§ 130-143).

9-C. Cyber piracy protections; domain names (§§ 146-149).

10. Shooting ranges (§ 150).

10-A. Truth in travel act (§§ 155--159-a).

10-B. Transmission of money to foreign countries

(§§ 160-166).

11. Employment agencies (§§ 170-194).

11-A. Motor vehicle manufacturers (§§ 198-a--199).

11-B. Franchises for the sale of motor fuels

(§§ 199-a--199-n).

12. Hotels and boarding houses (§§ 200--209-g).

12-B. Mercantile establishments (§§ 217--218-aa).

12-C. Trampoline park safety (§§ 220-228).

13. Silver, gold and diamonds (§§ 229-a--229-j).

13-A. Platinum stamping (§§ 230-238).

13-B. Appraisers of jewelry, works of art, watches and

objects made from or containing precious stones or

metals (§§ 239--239-c).

14. Aircraft (§§ 240--251-c).

15. Specious cash sales (§§ 252-255).

16. Ice (§§ 260-265).

17. Milk cans (§§ 270-274).

17-A. Filing of names, marks and devices used on certain

vessels, receptacles and utensils (§§ 275--279-i).

18. Freight and baggage (§§ 280-287).

19. Oil and distilled spirits (§§ 300-308).

20. Gas (§§ 320-323).

20-A. Petroleum well casings and pipes (§§ 324-327).

21. Publications (§§ 330-337).

21-A. Fraudulent transactions in securities (§§ 339--339-f).

22. Monopolies (§§ 340-347-a).

22-A. Consumer protection from deceptive acts and practices

(§§ 349--350-f-1).

22-B. Water treatment units (§§ 350-g--350-i).

23. Bucket shops (§§ 351--351-e).

23-A. Fraudulent practices in respect to stocks, bonds and

other securities (§§ 352--359-h).

23-B. Transactions with or by fiduciaries (§§ 359-i--359-l).

24. Trademarks (§§ 360--360-r).

24-A. Fair trade law (§§ 369-a--369-eee).

24-C. Tax Preparers (§§ 371-373).

24-D. Research relating to electronic cigarettes (§ 375).

25. Fair credit reporting act (§§ 380--380-v).

25-A. Articles of bedding (§§ 383--389-c).

25-B. Use of safety glazing materials (§§ 389-m--389-r).

25-C. Products containing lead (§§ 389-s--389-t).

26. Miscellaneous (§§ 390--399-zzzzz).

27. Licensing of nail specialty, natural hair styling,

esthetics and cosmetology (§§ 400-417).

27-A. Licensing of coin processors (§§ 418-429).

28. Practice of barbering (§§ 430-447).

28-A. Cemetery property and funeral services (§§


28-B. Budget planning (§§ 455-457).

28-BB. Credit services business (§§ 458-a--458-k).

28-C. Immigrant assistance services (§§ 460-a--460-k).

28-D. Lasers, radiation, crane operators and blasters

(§§ 480-486).

28-E. Children's product safety and recall effectiveness act

of 2008 (§§ 490--490-h).

28-F. Crohn's and colitis fairness act (§§ 491-494).

28-G. Batteries for micromobility devices, bicycles with

electric assist, and limited use motorcycles

29. Manufacture, sale and introduction or movement in

commerce of flammable wearing apparel, fabrics,

related material and interior furnishings prohibited

(§§ 500-509).

29-A. Unauthorized or improper use of credit cards and debit

cards (§§ 511--520-e)

29-AAA. Credit card registration services (§§ 521--521-f).

29-B. Prohibited credit card practices involving providers

of travel services (§§ 523-526).

29-BB. Prohibited service offer practices (§§ 527--527-a).

29-BBB. Credit and debit cards (§§ 529--529-a).

29-C. Radio and television tubes (§§ 532-537).

29-CC Modem hijacking deterrence act (§§ 538--538-b).

29-D. Notes given for patent rights and for a speculative

consideration (§§ 550-554).

29-E. Trading stamps (§§ 570-579).

29-F. Going out of business sales (§§ 580-596).

29-G. Receipts for personal property (§§ 597-598).

29-GG. Sale of traffic control devices (§§ 599--599-e).

29-H. Debt collection procedures (§§ 600-603).

29-HH. Debt collection procedures related to identity theft

(§§ 604--604-b).

29-I. The Storage of Household Goods (§§ 605-610).

29-J. Film Rating Labeling (§§ 611-612).

29-K. Motor Vehicle Parts Warranty (§§ 616-619).

30. Health club services (§§ 620-631).

30-A. Home-use medical diagnostic device marketing practices

(§ 640).

30-B. Weight loss services (§§ 641-645).

31. Membership campgrounds (§§ 650-660).

32. Video consumer privacy act (§§ 670-675)

32*. Wheelchair warranties (§ 670*2)

33. Franchises (§§ 680-695).

33-A. Dealer agreements for the sale of farm equipment

(§§ 696-a--696-i).

33-B. Express consumer warranty on farm equipment

(§§ 697--697-d).

34. Creditor billing errors (§§ 701-707).

34-A. Consumer credit balances (§§ 710-716).

34-B. Annual credit interest statements (§§ 717-719).

35. Warranties on mobile homes (§§ 720-724).

35-A. Aftermarket rustproofing warranties of new motor

vehicles (§§ 730-735).

35-B. Automobile broker business (§§ 736-745).

35-C. Operation of pet cemeteries and pet crematoriums

(§§ 750--750-w).

35-D. Sale of dogs and cats (§§ 751-755).

35-E. Construction contracts (§§ 756-758).

35-F. Fire sprinkler information (§§ 759--759-a).

36. Protection of underground facilities (§§ 760-767).

36-A. Home improvement contracts (§§ 770-776).

36-B. Warranties on sales of new homes (§§ 777--777-b).

36-C. Down payments in the purchase and sale of residential

real estate (§§ 778--778-a).

36-D. Home heating system conversion (§ 778-aa).

37. Deposits on construction of new homes (§§ 779-785).

37-A. Registration of hearing aid dealers (§§ 788-805).

38. Vessel dealer agreements (§§ 810-816).

38-A. Sale of outdated and label obstructed over-the-counter

drugs and cosmetic products (§§ 820-821).

38-B. Products sold for human consumption (§§ 830-834).

39. Drug-related paraphernalia (§§ 850-853).

39-A. Merchants of Torah scrolls (§§ 855-864).

39-B. Imitation weapons (§§ 870-873).

39-BB. Preventing the unlawful sale of firearms, rifles, and

shotguns to individuals with a criminal record

(§§ 875-a--875-i).

39-C. Imitation hypodermic instruments (§§ 880-882).

39-D. Auto Equity Promoters (§§ 890-893).

39-DD. Sale of firearms, rifles or shotguns at gun shows

(§§ 895-897).

39-DDD. Private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles and

shotguns (§ 898).

39-DDDD. Sale, manufacturing, importing and marketing of

firearms (§§ 898-a--898-e).

39-E. Uniform Athlete Agents Act (§§ 899--899-p).

39-F. Notification of unauthorized acquisition of private

information (§ 899-aa).

39-FF. New York child data protection act (§§


39-G. Document destruction contractors

(§§ 899-aaa--899-bbb).

40. Peer-to-peer car sharing programs (§§ 900-920).

41. Combative sports (§§ 1000-1022).

42. Social media terms of service (§§ 1100-1104).

43. New York state secure choice savings program

(§§ 1300-1316).

44. Regulation of surrogacy programs and assisted

reproduction service providers (§§ 1400-1404).

44-A. Freelance isn't free act (§§ 1410-1415).

45. Safe for kids act (§§ 1500-1508).

46. Laws repealed; when to take effect (§§ 1600-1601).