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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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General City Model 772/66 (GCM) CHAPTER 772, PART 3, SUBPART 1
§ 11. Definitions. When used in this subpart:

1. The term "financial corporation" means every corporation doing a
banking business as defined in this section, other than a national
banking association, a trust company all of the capital stock of which
is owned by not less than twenty savings banks organized under a law of
this state, or a corporation taxable under part two of this title, and
shall include the mortgage facilities corporation created by chapter
five hundred sixty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty-six.

2. The word "paid, " for the purpose of the deductions and credits
under this subpart, means "paid or accrued" or "paid or incurred," and
the terms "paid or incurred" and "paid or accrued" shall be construed
according to the method of accounting upon the basis of which the net
income is computed, under this subpart. The term "received," for the
purpose of the computation of net income under this subpart means
"received or accrued" and the term "received or accrued" shall be
construed according to the method of accounting upon the basis of which
the net income is computed under this subpart.

3. The word "dividend" means any distribution made by a corporation to
its shareholders or members, out of its earnings or profits, whether in
cash, or in property other than stock of the corporation.

4. The words "doing a banking business" means doing such business as a
corporation may be created to do under articles three, five, five-a, six
and seven of the banking law, or doing any business which a corporation
is authorized by such articles to do.

5. The words "foreign banker doing a banking business" in the city,
include every foreign corporation doing a banking business in the city,
except a national banking association.

6. The words "savings and loan association" means every corporation
doing such business as a corporation may be created to do under article
ten of the banking law, including every federal savings and loan
association organized under authority of the United States.