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Reports of Corporations
General City Model 772/66 (GCM) CHAPTER 772, PART 5
§ 66. Reports of Corporations. Corporations liable to pay a tax under
this part shall report as follows:

1. Every corporation, association or joint stock company liable to pay
a tax under section sixty-one of this part shall, on or before March
first in each year, make a written report to the director of finance of
its condition at the close of its business on the preceding December
thirty-first, stating the amount of its authorized capital stock, the
amount of stock paid-in, the date and rate per centum of each dividend
paid by it during the year ending with such day, the entire amount of
the capital of such corporation, and the capital employed by it in the
city during such year.

2. Every corporation, joint stock company or association liable to pay
an additional tax under section sixty-two of this part shall also, on or
before February fifteenth, May fifteenth, August fifteenth and November
fifteenth in each year, make a written report to the director of finance
of the amount of its gross earnings subject to the tax imposed by said
section for the quarter year ended on the last day of the second month
preceding that in which the report is required to be filed. Any such
corporation, joint stock company or association which ceases to be
subject to the tax imposed by section sixty-two of this part by reason
of a liquidation, dissolution, merger or consolidation with any other
corporation, or any other cause, shall, on the date of such cessation or
at such other time as the director of finance may require, make a
written report to the director of finance of the amount of its gross
earnings subject to the tax imposed by section sixty-two of this part
for any period for which no report was theretofore filed.

3. The director of finance may for good cause shown extend the time
within which any corporation is required to report by this part.

4. Every report required by this part shall have annexed thereto a
certification by the president, vice-president, treasurer, assistant
treasurer, or chief accounting officer or any other officer of the
corporation, association or joint stock company duly authorized so to
act, or of the person or one of the persons, or the members of the
partnership making the same, to the effect that the statements contained
therein are true. The fact that an individual's name is signed on a
certification attached to a corporate report shall be prima facie
evidence that such individual is authorized to certify the report on
behalf of the corporation. Such reports shall contain any other data,
information or matter which the director of finance may require to be
included therein, and it may prescribe the form in which such reports
shall be made. When so prescribed such forms shall be used in making the
report. The director of finance may require at any time a further or
supplemental report under this part, which shall contain information and
data upon such matters as the director of finance may specify. Reports
shall be preserved for five years, and thereafter until the director of
finance orders them to be destroyed.