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Payment of tax and penalties
General City Model 772/66 (GCM) CHAPTER 772, PART 5
§ 67. Payment of tax and penalties. 1. The taxes imposed by sections
sixty-one and sixty-two of this part shall be due and payable at the
time of filing the report required by section sixty-six, or, in case
such a report is not filed when due, on the last day specified for the
filing thereof, except that the tax upon dividends imposed by section
sixty-two of this part shall be due and payable at the time of filing
the report for the period ending June thirtieth, or, in case such report
is not filed when due, on the last day specified for the filing thereof.

2. Where an application for consent to dissolution, as provided by
section one hundred five of the stock corporation law or section one
thousand four of the business corporation law, is filed with the
director of finance prior to the commencement of any tax year or period,
by a corporation subject to tax under this part, such corporation shall
not be liable for any tax imposed by this part for such following year
or period (except as may be otherwise provided in section sixty-three),
provided that the certificate of dissolution for such corporation is
duly filed in the office of the secretary of state within twenty days
after the filing of such application.

3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the director of
finance may grant a reasonable extension of time for payment of any tax
imposed by this part under such conditions as he deems just and proper.